Saturday, January 12, 2013

who knows who is gonna wanna read my blog

Okay, I've been reading comments under some Estonian articles and some blogs and I must say it botheres me when Estonians write in English. Mostly so cause I cannot stand it when they make mistakes in the simplest of sentences. Grrr...grinds me gears so much, like.
I've read my earlier blog entries and found a bunch of mistakes aswell but... I started this blog when I lived in Ireland and thought my only readers would be Irish. Actually, the entries from the time I still lived in Ireland aren't as bad as the ones I've written after moving back to Estonia.
Yeah and I still haven't forgotten about my...want/dream/need to go and live in a foreign country so I'll keep posting shit in English cause who knows who is gonna wanna read my blog in the future.

just smelling flowers with my tit out

Bahahahaaa...oh Tumblr! Yes, I've been hanging out there for a good few months but I'm most definitely not changing blogs. Just reblogging sweetness that is Kevin McHale.