Monday, June 14, 2010

I too wanna be Kevin's "best friend"

Okay, hula hoop is out.
It just pisses me off so much that it doesn't stay up.
I swear I'll kill my back picking it off the floor before it does any good to my midriff.

Oh and I've had four packets of crisps today.
Oh no! I hope I won't feel sick.

Just cooked nice chicken stir fry. Yum.
Yeah, off to skip again.
Maybe I'll go for a jog again later on.

Oh I cannot remember if I've addressed it before but I lost a follower.
Whoever it is, sorry I'm lost.

And yeah, I know it's Kevin's birthday today.
But... since I got a pretty good confirmation he's riding the black haired girl, I'm going off him.
Or if they're just "best friends" then I too wanna be Kevin's best friend.


I bought a skipping rope.
I gotta start moving myself before it's too late and I'm a 40 year old single fat arse.
I'm taking up hula hooping again.

Well, it's just that my "bf" told me if I want to put on weight all over my body, not just my belly and bum, then I have to exercise.
And since jogging was a bit too much for me, I'll be using the rope and the hoop.
If I'm gonna lose weight then I'll start drinking protein drinks, cause I like the way all my clothes are getting a bit tight for me. I'm always walking around with the button on my trousers undone.

And was talking to K last night.
She said she's thinking of buying skipping rope cause some girl back home lost loads of weight using one.
Well, since I got money today, I went to Spar and bought myself and K skipping ropes:
The purple one is mine.
Hm, I think it's a bit too small for me cause when it goes over my head it slides across my hair. :D
Not everytime, but it does.

Yeah and I think I got my volunteering thing sorted.
I'm waiting to hear from a woman who works in a garden.
I'd have to weed and stuff.
Sounds fun.

Have to ring the health board and get my money sorted.
And the course thing aswell.

Okay, I'm off to skip again, had to stop there cause my ankle started hurting.
I could only do about 50 skips. How unfit?!