Sunday, September 18, 2011

an oak and a chestnut tree

Thought I'd make a blog entry about it.. me and my brother planted 4 trees today, me - an oak and a chestnut tree and my brother - an oak and a chestnut tree.Will see in spring whether they survived the planting and winter. And just a reminder for myself... mine are the ones near the apple trees and the brother's are the ones beside the field. Right so.

Other than that I've been avoiding my brother cause he seemed to have some sort of a stomach bug. Think I got it myself aswell but I've been drinking plenty of flu teas so I'm good I think.

I don'tmean to jinx it like... but I've been feeling not so bad recently.I mean I did have anxiety today and I was very tempted to take the Valium drops butI didn't. Looks like the antipsychotic I'm taking is the right medicine for me.

Tomorrow's gonna be a bit busy.I'm gonna have to ring the college and tell them I'm not taking the course, then ring my doctor for a prescription and her "doctor number" which I need for the disability application thingy, then I have to ring the social welfare regarding the application and then finally, have to ring the school I used to go to for biology/geography/chemistry classes for cause I still plan to take leaving exams next spring so... I gotta actually study now and read the books I got from the school. Yeah, bitches, that was one sentence!

Oh and I just realised... well my mother pointed it out that one of my dreams has come true - being in college. Yeah, it was... physically for three days and sort of theoretically about a fortnight but still. I said already that I'm very pleased I could be called a student but yeah.... I've been to college. Next year hopefully longer.

Oh and my mother wants me to find a place and a job in Tartu cause I cannot travel by car and there'sno way I'll get to town on a bike in winter so... have to find a place for three months. I think I could do the living in Tartu cause after all I call it my hometown but the working bit... that's what I'm worried about. Yahh, haveto find one that doesn't require any human interaction,maybe then I could do it.