Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I have a feeling I will really like them baby cows

So the job interview went well. I kinda think they're gonna pick me. They liked that I was young and that I have never worked on a farm before (don't have any "wrong habits"). Ahh... on one hand I feel really excited and cannot wait til I get to go to work. I have a feeling I will really like them baby cows. On the other hand I just hope I will do a good job at taking care of them and that I won't get anxiety.

think I can't do it cause I'm too lazy

Waah, I'm kinda  nervous about my job interview thingy in the morning. My mother and Lembit think I can't do it cause I'm too lazy. I hope I can cause the pay is good. And I wish we get half an hour for a break so I can ride home, eat at home then go back. nervous.