Thursday, June 03, 2010

Math all over again

Oh, I'm super excited about my course!
The only bad thing is I have to do math.
I couldn't even do it back in my school days and now I have to do it in English.
The only good thing is, the coure might take place in St Kevin's College. :D
(I didn't pick the college, the guidance co-ordinator did)

I have to take a pre leaving cert math and a part time math course before settling for full time biology course.
I don't know yet what exactly I want to do in science but I will be looking at proffessions and courses now.

And I have to see my GP for a letter to social welfare aswell.
Have to get up all early again tomorrow.

Yeah, just came in from sunbathing in the backgarden.
Skin started to hurt a bit, it's not even red though.
Maybe it'll show in the evening.

Oh and I cleaned up my room.

Yeah, off to surf the net and maybe play the violin.
Oh oh, and off to pharmacy aswell.
Have to get my antidepressants.

Met up with a friend yesterday.
She said she likes Glee.
She didn't think it was cheesy and she also likes Finn.
Say what!!?
She said Finn's the kind of guy you'd like as your man and that there's security and stuff written all over his face.

Oh and I recieved a availability check for Fair City.