Wednesday, July 09, 2014

operation baby bat

Well I almost took a pic of something far more interesting than my mug. We had an operation baby bat going on just now. I saw one on the ground, a baby bat. Lembit said it must have fallen out from under our sauna roof.
He got gloves and a ladder and stuffed it back in there. It was so cute and small!! I totally regret not taking a pic but it all happened so quickly. Hopefully it'll be fine from now on.
Yeah tomorrow I have to repaint the porch cause I didn't use enough aint the first time. The wood absorbed most of the paint. Ugh, that means another early morning tomorrow.

They don't look like they wanna be weeded by me

Okay, the porch is long painted. Mother told me to weed the strawberries. Yeah I was about to but then saw the state of them. They don't look like they wanna be weeded by me.

Yeah and it's not fair to women to have periods in the summer. I don't support the usage of tampons since they're poisonous and killers. It's so warm out, it's the perfect weather for swimming.

And I wanna change the URL of my blog. "dianaboo" and "sweetd" are taken. And I cannot go back to "Doowally". Bollocks! The two other names I thought of, they were available but they both had rude words in them so I wouldn't be making an upgrade. Yeah, have to think of something cute, cool and...neutral.

Oh and as I said in one of my earlier posts, I'm watching Friends again. Yeah, I still very much hate Rachel. She's just such a stupid bitch.


narcissism all the way

Yaaaa...I was bored so I snapped a few pics. I was actually looking for a suitable little top to sleep in (the white one) and got to trying on quite a few things. Got vain infront of my mirror so...yeah...narcissism all the way :D


Ugh...I get some Error 502 page when I try to come on blogger. Hopefully it's not to do with my account or anything. I always think I'm gonna get in trouble for my blog URL. I went swimming with mum, Lauri and the dogs. Was skinny dipping alone. Ahhh, so good!
In the morning I'm gonna paint our porch and mow the lawn. Ugh, seems like my period is about to start so no swimming for me. :(