Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A positive entry

So I inadvertently went on to bash christianity in my earlier post.
I am not sorry nor do I wanna take back anything I said but I in the light of becoming more positive I wanna make this a positive post to even out the negative energy sent out before.
Thought I was gonna post some pics but cannot find them. Oh well.

Am I supposed to be like fucking mythical aswell?

Watching ghost videos. Seriously, what is up with all this madhouse business? A madhouse is no different than a regular hospital. A mad person is no different than one with cancer or cough. Such a stupid stereotype. Am I supposed to be like fucking mythical aswell? Seriously, things in madhouse are not as they are made to seem. If someone is being in psychosis then they're given pills and tied to a bed and they get better very quickly. It's not a place where these properly psychotic people roam around and are like terribly tortured and once they so conviniently commit suicide in the hospital (which is like totally doable since nobody looks after the patients and special tools, ie guns, ropes, electrocution chairs, L-pills and knifes are left out so the maddies can pick their own way to kill themselves), their poor souls get stuck in the place and start haunting the hospital years to come and triy to hurt everyone who comes near the place. What a load of bollocks!
Also anything to do with paganism or witches is supposed to be evil and mystical aswell. Anything negative is automatically evil. Christianity sucks monkey balls. It fails to give a rational reasoning to anything and marks anything unknown evil.
To me... a ghost story would be evil when someone says they are a religious family and have bibles at home. No wonder those bitches get "demonic spirits" in their house. It's cause they're so damn stupid and fucking knobs. I'd scare them myself.

Yeah... tried applying for a job - gardener. Would have loved it but it's a lil too far away. I also wanted to get a job as a farm hand but you have to be able to drive a tractor...so yeah.