Thursday, August 25, 2011

Me, anxiety, relationship, boyfriend.

Well well. This thing came up today. As well as two days ago at the doctor's.
Me, anxiety, relationship, boyfriend.
The more I think about it, the more it occurs to me that it was partly my anxiety that broke us up.
From the very first days I became severly sensitive. I'd cry over anything. This I've got from quite a few lads that I'm "too soft", "a softie".
I never make big scenes but... just cry in the corner.

Yeah and then came the times when I'd get overly emotional when the bf went tovisit his mum over the weekend. I'd ball my eyes out when he left and cried again when he got back. The meeting again was a bit worse cause I'd get shaky and sicky feeling in the stomach. Plus the boyfriend noticed it aswell but back then neither of knew it was anxiety. He confronted me about it saying that it seems I only feel sick when he's around. He was right. But I lied and said I feel sick always. I couldn't tell him I randomly start feeling sick when he comes around.
And then all of the nights I'd spend awake when he was gone. I absolutely couldn't sleep when he wasn't by my side. Hence I took quite the liking to Craig David's Insomnia when I once managed to fall asleep watching telly and then waking up in the middle of the night to this song.
Yeah and when we broke up I said I didn't have the energy for anyone else. And granted he was annoyed with it and didn't get it but I couldn't explain it any other way either. My feelings were rather confusing.

Yeah so when talking to the doctor I told her I wasn't really looking for anyone at the minute cause I still don't feel like I have spare energy for someone else. But I'm not worried about finding someone either cause I know if I wanted I'd get whoever I wanted. Ha!:D