Monday, May 10, 2010

It's the best cheese ever!

Texted "bf" on Friday.
Just asked how he was on stuff.
He said he'll come over for a while.
So he did and stayed at my place for three days.
So much for being on a break.
I can't say I particularly liked him being over, but I just couldn't kick him out.
I thought he would realise that we are on  a break and when I say I want to be alone and feel like I don't have a boyfriend I don't mean "come over to my place for half a week and act all boyfriendly".
I just don't want to remind him we're on a break.
If I have to say anything again, I'm gonna have to break the whole thing off, completely.

Anyway, we moved the furniture around in my room yesterday.
I felt a bit weird going to sleep cause it felt like I was at a different place.

Yeah and my appetite's gone again.
It started when I didn't have money to buy food.
Now I have the money but no appetite.

Oh and I have to write a story for my psychologist.
Don't want to do that.

And I have to find a box where I can put all the baby clothes for my friend.
Thought of sending them things out in small packages but thought it's handier sending them all together.
A little sneak peek:

Anyways, I'm super bored and feel a bit blah...and my Sim's is getting a bit slow so can't play that either..
I'll just go and take a shower.

Oh I have one thing - back in the day when I didn't know much about cheese I would have watched She's The Man and think, "Yeah, Channing's looking kinda hot", but now I'm thinking I really agree with Amanda Bynes when she says she likes Gouda. It's the best cheese ever!