Friday, July 22, 2011

first official time

Well. This is the first official time I've applied for university.
I went for Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool. And applied for Bioanalyst and Health Protection Specialist. They're applied courses. And as far as I know, with degree.

There were a lot of good courses at Eesti Maaülikool aswell but it was harder to get in and I missed the deadline. I was gonna go for Hydrobiology there.

I hope they still consider me at the Tervishoiu Kõrgkool cause since I've been sick I haven't been able to bike to Tartu and get my pic taken to send it with the application. At the minute I have the best chance at Bioanalyst (paid), then Health Protection Specialist (on the budget) and then Bioanalyst (on the budget). There will be a test aswell, well... just a conversation... and I hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won't get my anxiety at the time. I will fucking beat the crap out of myself if I do.

And if I don't get in, I will do my final exams next year again. I fucking have to cause I've been lulling around for the last two years and I don't wanna waste another year doing fuck all.

And just in case I don't get in I'll be looking for diploma courses for the coming academic year.