Thursday, November 11, 2010

my dad would probably walk in to my room in the midst of the sessions and be like, "I'll just close the window"

Today was a waste.
I totally had time to go to school but I just didn't go cause I'm a lazy fuck.
I felt like such failure in the morning.

Although I did go to the violin practice.
Went quite well. I actually payed quite a bit and we talked about written music and all.
Got some scales to practice.
I might actually post a video of me playing Edelweiss. :)

Mh and I have a really sore lower back. Think it's from the belly dancing on Tuesday.

Anyway, my main point in this post is men and what is going on with them.
Erm... what the hell is going on with men?

Like I tried to get this guy to agree to sleep with me and he was like, "Oh I want to get to know you better".
Pfft, well I don't.
And then he was like, "How can it be so that you come to my place, we have sex and then we act like nothing happened".
Duhhh! It's very simple - I go over to his place, we have sex and then act like nothing ever happend.
Seriously, am I dealing with men or children here?
And why in the world do men need to drink before sleeping with someone.
For one, I don't drink alcohol. At all!
Second, why in the world do men think it's fun for women to wait around til they get their business hard or when they decide to come after about three hours of humping, in one session?
Having sex with a drunk man is tedious and boring.
And he was like, "Oh that's good, it makes me last longer".
Seriously, in the three hours that you have tedious sex with a drunk man you could have three, four exciting and fun rides with a sober man.
Like, I'm not going there to be all romantic and lovey-dovey with him. I just want him to be hard and be able to finish off at a normal time, that's all.
10-15 minutes is enough for one session. Maybe 20 -25, not longer than that cause then it gets boring.
Oh and men are always saying they're small.
I mean yeah, a big dick is nice to look at but an average one will do just fine. As long as it's hard. So..alcohol is a man's biggest enemy when it comes to sex. Ugh...we'll see what happens. He's kinda blond anyway and I don't fancy blond ones.
Hm, I'm thinking of looking up this one town and see if there's any hotels in it cause if he doesn't want me to go over to his place we'll go there.
Yeah when I was younger I totally hated the idea of sexing it up in a hotel but now I don't really care. The only place I wouldn't bring a man is my place cause my dad would probably walk in to my room in the midst of the sessions and be like, "I'll just close the window".

Yeah, have to play more violin tomorrow and get studying for once.
I'm so behind in all of my stuff I said in the beginning of the post I'm lazy as fuck.

Old woman

Oh I'm gonna be an old woman in less than a week.

Tweet, tweet twitter-like

Tweet, tweet.
Just had my first evening shower in about four months time.

I don't like Twitter. It's for attention whores.

And I just remembered that I almost got myself banned off of a support forum on the server my forum is on.
God, those people have turned into major bitches!
And no one can give a straight answer to your questions, all they do is fuck about and mumble something about me being rude to them.
How the hell am I rude when the fuckers don't know what they are talking about?
The bitching!
The admin/mod hasn't responded, maybe they calmed down or maybe they're just not online and ban me later on.
Pfft, whatever. I'll just delete my forum and get the hell out of there.

And about Twitter I do have an accoun there, but I'm only following one person. Hm, who?
Yeah, I'm like super anonymous there and can bitch.
Yeah. Bitch, anonymous.
And the funny thing is, I looked at some piece of paper and put down some weird-ass username.
And I was just looking at some videos on YouTube the other day when I saw a user with the same name on YouTube as I have on Twitter. How is that possible? I have the randomest username!
And truth be told, I don't really go on twitter and this year I've tweetet like 3 times and not about myself, to the person I'm following.

Yeah and I'm totally gonna name my blog Bitch, Anonymous!
Cause I bitch so much on here.
And I know I'm being a total cunt towards the Jenna-girl but it's totally justified on my end.