Sunday, August 31, 2014

I'm a liar

Ugh. Just got a bit of a bollocking from Ilme. She said I'm a liar. And that I have lied to her on several occasions. Yeah...I have not!
Thing is, I came to mother's place yesterday and told her I'd be back today, which isn't gonna happen. There was quite a bit of work to be done here at mother's so naturally I'm tired and don't have the strength to go back to town today. Told her I'm coming tomorrow. That is not fucking lying. I never know what I have to do when I'm at my mother's or how tired I will be. I didn't fucking promise Ilme that I'd definitely be back today, therefore I have never lied to her.
She's just so fucking paranoid about the water bill thingy. At the end of every month I have to write down the water indicator numbers... you know, the units that show how much water we've spent in that month. And you can send them in by the fifth of every month. So I dunno what the fuck her problem is. It's just that she doesn't get her way... there is no other reason. If she's so fucking worried noone's stopping her from doing it. The thing is that the water indicators are under the bathroom sink and she can't squat or bend down enough. Or that's what she says. I'm sure when I go to town tomorrow she'll be still pissed at me and will have done the water business.