Thursday, June 15, 2017

you still don't matter

Ok, just got even madder than before. Kept watching medicine videos on youtube and now I hate doctors even more. Like they're totally only after glorification and money. I've been dismissed my whole life. If you don't have cancer, you're healthy. And if you have cancer then you still don't matter but cancer does cause when the doc eradicates it, he gets his glorification.

horrible emotional state

Okay so today was a shitty day when it comes to my thoughts. At work I was thinking all these angry thoughts. Like, I was mad at men for being pervs, then at mum for not being supportive of me getting an education or at least trying to get it, then at doctors for keeping the blood type a secret form patients. And now I'm watching videos about cancer and still births. What the shit!? I'm not even around my periods. What's with the horrible emotional state?