Friday, November 23, 2012

I'd be bedding the fit lad by now if I was in town

Okay, the fit lad only wants a sexual relationship. I wouldn't mind but I dunno how long I can keep it up since I might get into a relationship with another lad.
Oh how I wish I hadn't come to my mother's place today. I'd be bedding the fit lad by now if I was in town.

I wish!

Squee! The fit one night stander just messaged me. Marko. Ahhh, he's so yummy. Hopefully we'll have another night together. I wish!

Glee Dynamic Duets review

Um, not much to say. I guess the show is getting better since I don't have much to bitch about.
I was a bit excited about the special needs teacher since I'm studying to be one. Well, sort of. Haven't been to lectures for a week.
Yeah, and the Marley thing was relatable for me when she went and asked that guy out. Been there, done that, under this very same circumstance. Hell, that's how I lost my virginity.