Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Acknowledge it

Okay, I better do this before I forget.
I've kind of lost track who's unfollowed and who's started to follow me, but I'll try my best to acknowledge it.
Thanks to Vari and I think Argo1101.
I'm not entirely sure who's new and who's not.

Yeah, it's about 40 minutes til Glee.
The season finale.
I hope it's good.
I hope there won't be too much of Finn in it cause you know it'll be overly cheesy.
I'll write my opinion here as well.
If it gives me any kind of emotion.

Oh and my neck is sore.
Damn the rainy weather!

Oh and I've been reinstalling my Sims game and updates like crazy.
Changed settings on my computer and all.
The game still won't work.

Yeah, I'll be back most probably.

I think

Watched King Kong last night.
If that isn't my kinda film then I don't know what is.
Well, I just like adventure and disaster.
The film had quite many crappy bits in it, but since it wasn't awfully cheesy I didn't mind.
It wasn't a good film as in "a good film", but it had elements in it that I really enjoyed.
One of the "crappy bits" was that once the people fought off the natives, the creepy crawlies and the dinosaurs they never came back. Like that's all the natives, creepy crawlies and dinosaurs the jungle/island had.
Also there's no way the woman when kidnapped by the big monkey would be in such a good condition.
The gorilla was throwing, shaking her around which would've resulted in her broken back or a very very severe concussion.
I also didn't like how the gorilla was too much like a human being, like when he got mad cause the woman wouldn't put on a puppetshow for him.
And I also didn't like that Jack Black was in it.
I mean, he was too modern for that film.

I don't think he's like a very good actor or very funny but I like him.
And I think he fits into very specific films.
I don't think he really fit into The Holiday either.
I just don't know what to expect from him when he's not in a comedy.
I'm kind of used to laughing when I see him so it's a bit weird when he's not in a silly role.
You just can't take the "serious" character seriously.

Yeah, anyways.
I'm supposed to meet this lady I used to work with.
I've never hung out with her outside work, so...
Should be interesting.