Sunday, January 30, 2011

no bleeding, no sweating, life is a fucking cabare! Let's all sit down and have a nice meal of potassium cyanide and live happily ever after.

Oh my god.
This subject has been quite hot on my forum for a while.
And while in general I don't care what people do with their bodies I cannot help but feel angered by these money making monsters who really only care about money.
I think I've ranted quite a lot about doctors. So I'll rant about other monsters.
The companies producing nowadays tampons and selling them with sugarcoated sickening lies and the gullible and careless (not carefree as advertised) girls and women fall for them and use the damn things.
This is so sick I cannot even begin to express the disgust I feel.
The only thing women are kind of warned about is TSS but everything else is like the best fucking thing ever.
Well, it's not.
A lot of tampons "contain" asbestos. This natural mineral makes you bleed more. And this is done so you'd need to buy more tampons and and give the money making monsters more money.
Second thing - tampons contain Rayon and dioxin. Dioxin is used when the tampon is bleached. It makes tampons look white cause this reminds people of cleanliness and clarity. Dioxin is cancer-associated and is toxic to the reproductive and immune system. This is linked to cervical cancer, womb tumors, endometriosis and low sperm count in men, it breaks down the immune system in both sexes.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported that there really is no set "acceptable" level of exposure to dioxin given that it is cumulative and slow to disintegrate. The real danger comes from repeated contact. Using about 4-5 tampons a day, five days a month, for 38 menstruating years is "repeated contact". Rayon contributes to the danger of tampons and dioxin because it is a highly absorbent substance. Therefore, when fibers from the tampons are left behind in the vagina (as usually occurs), it creates a breeding ground for the dioxin. This is also the reason why TSS (toxic shock syndrome) occurs.

Other feminine hygiene products (pads/napkins) contain dioxin as well, but they are not nearly as dangerous since they are not in direct contact with the vagina. The pads/napkins need to stop being bleached, but, obviously, tampons are the most dangerous.
Yeah, the last bit I copy&pasted from this website because I couldn't be bothered to type.
But seriously, I cannot stand this kind of stupidity. On both sides, the companies that make people sick with tampons to make them buy more of their products and to pay for doctors visits and medication later on when they have tampon inflicted illnesses and the girls and women who use these products so blithely and credulously.
Gah, I just wanna shake the the women the fuck up and put some sense into their heads.

And the worst thing is the girls on my forum really detest pads cause it's like...I dunno "uncool" or whatever the fuck they call it and they so self righteously side with tampons. Seriously, how the hell do you side with something when you obviously know fuck all about it? When you do that, you're siding with your stupidity and idiocy.
And why use a tampon anyway? The blood and other stuff is supposed to come out, that's how nature works.
What, do they really think that when they get pregnant putting a tampon in is a legit way of holding the baby in? Like...when you get diarrhea would you put a tampon up your arse so the shit wouldn't come out? I mean it's so unnatural for it to come out, you gotta block it! And it would be like so carefree, dry and comfortable to have that cotton ball suck up all your shit and everything would be fucking glorious!

Gahhhh, this idiocy twists my panties so much. How can one be so unbelievably stupid and think a tampon is a good choice. It's just unreal how idiotic people can be.
And I soooo much wish I could punch the fuckfaces in the face who sell the thing with their goddamn shitty lies.I mean it's so obvious those people do not care about women's health, all they care about is money and they say whatever to sell their product.
Plus, some girl on the forum posted a video of a girl who talks about using a tampon and some girls were like, "Yeah, this is good shit". And the girl on the video was talking about how she uses wipes during her period and how she gets a bit itchy and then puts some special cream on. Like....this just shows how stupid a person can be and how gullible one can be. She is a total slave of all this disgusting money making scam. She buys the fucking tampons and gets a rash. And what does an eejit do? Buys a cream to treat it. And I cannot believe that this idiot keeps using tampons and thinks the rash is just something to treat with a cream. Uncomprehendably extreme retardation!

And another thing that came up on the forum was this deodorant. It's some special crap to treat sweatting. It includes aluminium. Yeah, some girl posted a link to a website that had the deodorant information and it said that aluminium was this little nothing, non harmful chemical and blah blah blah. I mean it sure is! Like, this innocent chemical and this another little something something totally not toxic mercury only are the root cause of autism in people. Seriously, who gives a fuck about mental health and a maximum life quality when you can smell like a flower?

These are like the fucking base of all nature - no bleeding, no sweating, life is a fucking cabare! Who the hell wants to be human? Let's all sit down and have a nice meal of potassium cyanide and live happily ever after.