Tuesday, June 08, 2010

50 years my ass

Okay, this will sound pretty judgemental, but I don't care it's my blog.
If Jehovah's Witnesses can go from door to door to try and introduce (read violate a person's personal space with it's own beliefs and traditions and try and turn it all into a political bullshit) heaven, then I sure can express my own strong beliefs about abortion in my very own blog.
Well, I received a spam letter saying that the pill is 50 years old now.
Okay, first of all, damn the sender.
I don't like spam.
And I dislike it even more when it's about something like that.

I don't support any kind of abortion.
If a woman is pregnant but doesn't want to be, then why kill the baby? Kill yourself, dear. (Equivalent to if you don't believe in Christ you'll burn in hell)
It grinds my gears so much.
I know it would be better if there were no children if the mother was such an ass.
I mean it's like, okay the mother is willing to kill a child, what would her children be like then?
There is no excuse for abortion.
There is only one reason - the stupidity of the mother.

I don't care how much distress an abortion can cause to a woman.
I mean, damn right you feel bad.
You should!
You're a murderer, for Christ's sake.
Feel bad for the rest of your life and feel very guilty for not spending your life in jail.

Right, I'm gonna stop here.
This is my general thought of the whole thing.
As I've said before I know women who've had an abortion and I've never said one bad thing to them about it, cause it's not my business.

Take a note, Jehovah's Witnesses!
Keep it to yourself, people!

And as for the pill itself - it just makes you sick.
If you're not sick why take a pill?
It's useless when it comes to profit and benefit.