Sunday, March 10, 2019

You came, you conquered, you can leave now, bye

Okay. So I feel like shit. And it apparently is Lyme disease. That would explain my irregular or odd menstrual activity and itching I've had for a couple of years. And the horrible full moons. And now the "cold/flu".
*I've not had my voice for some days during the last five weeks. Have had a little sore throat but no voice.
*Occasional little fever
*Fatigue, extreme on a lot of days
*Shaky, unsteady legs, probably from fatigue
*Cloudy, tense and achy head
*Tired, achy eyes. Probably from the head symptoms
*Bad nausea occasionally
*Joint/nerve pains in the back of my right knee, on top of my left foot and in the right side of my chest, plus the pains I've had since my childhood - they can be muscle and joint pains. They come and go.
*General unwell feeling
*Occasional light headedness and feeling like passing out
*Extremely unbalanced in shower with eyes closed, have had it for a long time now

And then the menstruation problems. Excess spotting and bleeding. Pains which I thought were from endometriosis or cysts. And I get bladder issues too when I have those pains. I'm always peeing or feel like I need to pee.

Plus the itching which has probably been there the longest. Must have been my first symptom.

Also last year I took that ultimatum break from work cause of achy joints. The work load was hard but I reckon I would have been better had I not had the disease. I occasionally still get sore and stiff fingers and I do not really have that much pressure on my hands at all anymore.

On medication now. Doxycycline. Since thursday. It's giving my tum troubles already. But so far it's not the worst really. I take two a day. Started taking probiotics too. Have to be on the med for a month. As long as I get rid of Lyme and the med doesn't do any big damage to my body. I really do not plan to tackle this Lyme shit for the next decade. I've done my health battles with anxiety the last ten years. I'm done with health problems now. I'll take the med and the disease simply has to go after that. You came, you conquered, you can leave now, bye. You've done your piece, I accept it, move along. Don't be rude and overstay your welcome.  I accept you for what you are and you gotta accept me now. And me wants to live a normal, pain free, clear headed, physically energized life, thanks.