Tuesday, June 17, 2014

best damn feeling

Ahh...meant to post about it looooong time ago but apparently didn't. I just LOVE it when my naked feet hit the sheets. It's the best damn feeling in the world. Dunno what happened today but I woke up at four pm and went back to sleep at 5, slept til 8pm.
And it snowed today!

some original piece

So I came to town today... on monday like. I didn't plan to.
I was meant to mow the last bit of lawn today but it's been pissing out like crazy. Luckily around five o'clock it stopped so I came to town. Lembit repaired my bike breaks, dunno how long they'll last like that. Think the problem is the...elongated break wire. It's some original piece that cannot be replaced with some random wire. I hope it'll last a while. Til I get a job, cause then I can pay for the repairs myself if needed.
Yeah and I did very good this weekend. Mother praised me for the job I did. She even said she'll buy me a silver shampoo for my blonde hair. It's rather expensive but I really don't want to have yellow hair.

Oh and it's raining now. I feel like going for a walk in the rain with my boyfriend. Yeah I don't have a boyfriend. Not sure I want one. I have quite a few candidates though.