Sunday, February 27, 2011

Who is this show aimed at, nymphos?

Ughhh, so I'm somewhere in the middle of Season 2 of Sex And The City.
I'd call it pornography.
A really bad kind.
Every damn episode has someone shagging and if they're not shagging they're having those horrible girly chitter-chatters.
It's such a horrible TV show.
Like, you cannot watch it as a TV show cause there's too much sex but you cannot watch it as porn either cause the bitches talk too much of gibberish. Who is this show aimed at, nymphos?
It's like the problem of every episode is sex, it's being discussed over sex and the outcome is sex. It's all fuck fuck fuck. Horrible!

She probably knows about them cause of their album Motion In The Ocean cause she's a frickin' dolphin!

Wow, today feels like spring.
Yeah, I know I haven't been out in days but it looks like spring.
Last night I went to bed at two, this going to bed early business is really making me feel better.
Anywya, I was gonna go out but I've been listening to McFly's That's The Truth and it's keeping me inside.
And when I went on Twitter to check up on Kevin McHale, I saw that he had retweeted the Sasquatch's tweet to Tom Fletcher. Seriously, bitch, mind your own business. Why the fuck does she have to be everywhere she doesn't need to be? What the fuck does she know about McFly? She probably knows about them cause of their album Motion In The Ocean cause she's a frickin' dolphin!
Ugh, see how that bitch always ruins everything!?

My point for this post was that today feels great and super (minus the stupid fat Sasquatch).