Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fail much?

I'm not happy with Geography classes.
I cannot write as fast as the teacher is talking about stuff.
And the things she says are kind of... not thorough.
I cannot study stuff like this when I don't understand half the things in the sentence.
Like when there is a term, the explanation to it is a little description.
It doesn't say what the thing is and doesn't thoroughly describe the thing so everything is kind of half arsed.
Plus, if there is an explanation the words in it are the kind of words I've never heard before and the teacher doesn't explain the meaning of the them.
Plus, for god knows what stupid reason there are no books for the 11th year.
I mean like what the fuck!?
I have no idea how I'm supposed to study for the exam if there's nothing to study from.

Today, there was supposed to be a test in Geography.
I was gonna tell the teacher that I wasn't going to do the test.
Yeah, but I never got to, cause I couldn't find my key.
That means I couldn't leave the house.
I would've gone and leave the door unlocked but the door was locked already so I couldn't even open it.
Fail much?