Saturday, July 03, 2010

Gah, everyone's a bastard today!

Well, today has been an old crappy day.
Very depressing.
I dunno what tricks the "bf" is pulling it's not working for me.
And I can't recall one time I broke a promise.
If he wants it this way, he gets it this way.
I'm gone tomorrow so whatever.

I just have to buy another suitcase tomorrow.
I'm so all over the place at the minute.
My room is so messy and I'm so so so depressed.

And I asked my mother yesterday to give me a call today.
She hasn't done it yet and I'm sure she won't.

Gah, everyone's a bastard today!

I'm just in bits cause I'm dreading the flight so much.
And there's no one I can caomplain to. No one to express my worry and fear to.
Damn bastards.


Alright, I'll try to get my things together so...