Monday, December 21, 2009

Absolutely ballistic

Right, today was the day that pretty much determined whether I will see tomorrow or not.
Had my first almost proper endoscopy today.
Was super nervous in the morning.
Watched Nemo all night and then slept for about and hour.
Got to hospital and started crying.
Usual stuff.
Cause of the nurses saw I was such a wreck I was given a bigger doze of sedation.
Felt my head go of the nurses went, "You can feel it?"
I smiled and said, "Yeah" then opened my eyes and I was in the ward.
Neck was sore.
Asked a nurse if I had had it done.
She said no, cause I freaked out.
Was disappointed.

Didn´t feel to dizzy or weird.
Went to toilet, walked by a nurse.
Had four toasts with strawberry and orange jelly. Butter, tea, milk.
Later on the doctor came in to talk to all the patients about their sessions and results.
Think there was about 6, 8 people in the ward.
Doctor MD said he got in with the camera and all, but halfway through I woke up.
Said I went "absolutely ballistic".
And that I had mad strength and pulled the tube out of my stomach and that him and two nurses had to hold me down to control me. :D
I cannot remember any of it. Luckily.
Anyway, he said he only needed three more minutes to see the bottom of my stomach and because of me he didn´t see it.
He also said I really didn´t like something sitting in the back of my throat.
Damn right.
To be fair, before they started I told them I need to be fully asleep, cause if I see the camera or feel it go down my food pipe I´d freak out and have a panic attack.
So they were warned.

And I also had a little chat with the man next to me.
He had seen me brought in form the operation room.
He said that I was blabbing nonsense and wouldn´t lay down as the nurses told me.
Said I kept sitting up in bed and going bla bla bla...all drugged looking.
Can´t remember any of that either.
A bit embarrassing. :D

Anyway, think I finally had the thing done around 10 o´clock and I woke up conscious around 13:30.

Um, I don´t actually know now what I have to do or what my diagnosis is.
The doctor said stomach seemed to be okay based on as much as he saw.
He thinks I might have IBS like many other doctors before.
So he wants to check my intestines.
So around February I have to go back and have endoscopy simultaneously with colonoscopy.
Luckily I will have full on sedation then.
I´m not too nervous about it at the minute cause despite going mad during the session today I cannot remember anything, so I´m eagerly waiting for that appointment.

- Doctor MD said that when he was still learning to be a doctor he was put in a room with two other doctor students and the endoscopy camera and they had to perform the procedure on each other without any sprays or sedation. Like, once one was finished with you, they´d take the camera out and you´d do it on another student. Mad stuff.

- About colonoscopy. I was talking to a girl I´m living with about this and apparently they give you some powder for diarrhea the day before the procedure. And she said that someone she knows practically sat all day and night in toilet. :D Ooh fun times! Said the person had to go for a poop even after a cup of tea.

Nervous now

I´m up, cannot sleep.
Tomorrow, well...this morning is freaking me out.
So scared.
Fasting now.
I cannot wait ´til Tuesday when everything is over.
Creating different layouts for my blog with this one programme.
Hopefully I can buy the full thing and install the templates here.
And I´m really disturbed cause of Brittany.
That is so scary.
When Michael Jackson died, I just shrugged it off like...meh.
Cause he was sick looking anyway with his skin and face.
Brittany was a young chirpy woman, you wouldn´t think such a thing can happen.
And it made me worry about my health now as well. More than usually.