Tuesday, June 21, 2016

mirror cracker

Shit. Why did I have to gain all that weight? It doesn't get me down and I'm not obsessing over it but I'm just annoyed. If I had not started taking my pills I'd be a skinny minny right now and could go to the beach and make all the bitches jealous.
Yeah I was just looking at some models and I just thought I could look that good. Body wise. My face is a mirror cracker lol.
I wish I didn't get all this anxiety before work then I could go down on my Olansapine dosage and maybe finally I'd start losing weight. Weirdly, it still hasn't really registered that I'm fat now. In my head I'm a skinny person who is fat. I mean I've been skinny most of my life. I look at my fatness as just a phase, a temporary thing. Hopefully it really is.
Ahh...I really wanna get my life back on track.