Thursday, October 28, 2010


This is my brother's reply to my invitation. :D I just love his spelling! It's so wrong it's good. And no punctuation is the way to go! That single full stop really is unnecessary in there. :D


Hahahaaa, oohh, since it's such a crappy day for me I'm allowed to be a bit mean to cheer me up.
That is such a brilliant thing to Google! :D

a stupid day

So, my father is being an ass as usual.
Like, my mother sent me money, but onto his account and he's not giving it to me.
He's like asking me what I want it for and talking about bills and shit.

Like I don't care, my mother didn't send it for bills she sent it for me.

And I don't know, like my father said that I got internet on my laptop that's why he should keep the money or something. Well, he told me that it was for free. Like, what the hell? I don't ask him for anything - the internet was the only thing and I never asked him to pay for the ticket back to Estonia, he did it all himself so he cannot act like he's done so much for me. Gahhh.... at least I have my own account set up now. Just have to go the bank to get the pass card.

Yeah... oh and this happened on YouTube today:

Yeah, there's no end to my sarcasm.
Gahhh, what a stupid day! Everyone's being a shithead.