Friday, April 12, 2013


I got a bollocking from the mother for still not working. Ughhh, it's not my fault I have anxiety and can't do shit.
Then she gave out to me for not doing something about my anxiety. Like, I'm so sick of it. Don't wanna hear about it, much less deal with it. She wants me to go to a psychologist. Blah.
Anyway, will go to mother's place... today. When I wake up in the morning. It's the mother's birthday on the 13th. She's turning 50!!! Heheeehee. Hag!

And then I talked to my er...owner of the appartment I live in, I'll call her Aunt Ilme from now on. Yeah, I talked to her about my fear or vomiting. She says when she feels even slightly sick she sticks her fingers down her throat and she feels much better straight away. How do people do it!?

Yeah and I've noticed I have a reader from America coming back to my blog, so... Hello there! :)