Friday, September 07, 2012

Oh please please

Yessss! I finished the first week of uni! And I didn't even take Valium in the only class we had today. Oh please please let it continue like this!

Plus it was my dead grandmother's birthday yesterday. Happy, bday granny!


Woot! I managed to sit through all of my classes today. The first one was hard and I thought I was gonna go home and forget about uni but I'm glad I didn't. Plus tonight we went out with the girls taking the course. Was fun and well... most girls seemed great. Not that anyone seemed not so great, I just didn't get the chance to talk to everybody. But it was super nice. I mean yeah I had to take Valium drops but meh. We went to a few pubs and one of them made me feel a bit weird so I came home. Have to take my pills and all. Ahhh... one class tomorrow and then I can spend the weekend at my mother's. Can't wait. Hopefully the class won't be a pain.