Thursday, April 03, 2014

James Franco is too hot to be a paedophile! Damn him.

Oh dear. If this Franco business is real I feel embarrassed for him. And sorry. Like...people are saying stuff and I dunno what to believe. On one hand he's creepy as fuck and on the other hand...if he really digs them children then hopefully this is something that will make him think twice about his actions and he won't do such things in the future. I kinda feel bad for him since I for him.
If it's a publicity stunt then... fuck. What is wrong with those people making up such shit!?
I wanna fuck him though.

some sort of an award

Have a job interview tomorrow. Anxious. Plus Ilme has found a new thing to complain about. Apparently I don't close the front door the way she likes. She should win some sort of an award for inventing the most riciculous, mindless and useless things to complain about. *rolls eyes*


How typical of him as a man to go after a young girl. Although I find it worrying that he still tried to pursue her after knowing her age and then make it seem like she was the one after him. Tut-tut!
I guess I still kinda find him attractive.