Thursday, August 17, 2017

he trusts me

Okay, the crappiness was PMS. So my health should be fine.
So the BFM told me on monday he didn't wanna meet everyday cause then we'll run out of things to talk about. I texted him saying we could meet up for like 5 mins or something just to kiss and cuddle and I hope he's as into me as I am into him. He ignored that so I thought it was his way of saying he's not interested.
Left him alone on tuesday and didn't hear from him. I was sure we were done. I was like sad, mad and disappointed and shit and then indifferent. But also, I started my periods yesterday/today.
Yeah I thought all hope was gone and he was just after sex.
And then fucking tonight! He messaged me on the dating website we met at inviting me to spend the night at his place tomorrow, worrying he was too forward. Bitch, I love it! :D I told him though that I was on my period, that maybe he didn't wanna meet up then. He said he still wants to!
So we talked and I'm gonna go over straight after work. I told him I'd look and feel manky and he said we've seen each other naked and shit so I shouldn't be embarrassed and stuff. :D I'll try to put on some mascara before work at least.
Ugh, I hope I won't get anxiety at his place and that we'll have a nice evening. Oh and he has to get up at like 6am and he said he'll give me his key and I can sleep in. :D Aw, he trusts me!

Also since the BFM showed clear interest I wanna cancel the Core guy on saturday. I feel like I'm cheating already.