Wednesday, February 22, 2012

about life

So I haven't written much about life on here. Things have been pretty tame. Went out biking today and think the bike broke down. It does this weird thing when I'm peddling.
The brother's home sick.
Hopefully I won't catch anything cause I'm scared of every health issue these days.
Yeah, that's about it.

Oh and it smelled a bit like spring when I was out today. Loved it but then got anxiety and it ruined everything.

Glee On My Way review

Okay, the Kurt and Blaine storyline is really starting to get on my nerves. They should totally have some unreasonable fight like the rest of the characters. And I continue to abhor the horrid gay men worshipping on the show. Okay yous made it very clear that Kurt had won when he got into the school he wanted to get into, why the hell make Karofsky pay for bullying Kurt?! And I was right all along, they shouldn't have touched the gay suicide business, especially when it's done so untactfully.

Ahh, the victory in the competition was so predictable. It's some characters' last year so...

Oh how big of Kurt to visit Dave. Not. Just a typical Kurt-in-your-face-with-his-nauseating-reasoning Glee scene.

At least the title of the episode was clever and appropriate enough.