Tuesday, May 05, 2015

I went to claim what is rightfully mine

Today I went to claim what is rightfully mine. I cycled out of town, along Tallinn motorway. It's the way to Tartu if you're coming from my dad's place. I so longed to experience it when I came to Tartu in 2011. Crappy thing was back then, I got tired before reaching the town and got anxiety and Lembit had to come pick me up in his car. Everything that happend after that is a blur cause I had massive anxiety. So it was nice to experience it today, on my own, calmly, on my bike.
Yeah and now I wanna go and visit my father's family. I'll have to go through Põltsamaa. I wanna stay there, somewhere overnight. Cause I'm an unfit fuck and can't cycle the whole thing. Yeah, will see how it goes.