Wednesday, January 11, 2017

feel normal

Okay, went to the doctor yesterday. Wasn't anxious about it beforehand. Got a little bit of it when my blood was taken and when I had my x-ray done.
Got my results back today. Lungs are fine. Prolactin and white blood cell count are fine. No inflammation found. Hemoglobin was a little on the low end (mine was 120, and the lowest norm is 118). Also lacking MCV. That's iron reserve in blood. The norm's 82, mine was 80. Bought iron tabs today. Have to take them for two months then go back after three for another test. I've taken them before when I was in my teens and when my anxiety got really really bad. Fuck my iron levels were really low. I couldn't lay down in bed cause my head started spinning like crazy and I couldn't stand up cause I felt like I was gonna pass out straight away. So I was just stuck in some weird sitting position in bed.
Right now I don't feel tired or anything, feel normal. Don't seem to have any weird symptoms. :)
Yeah the iron pills I bought were almost 7 euros. There were also the organic ones that the body absorbs better and shit but they were almsot 15 euros so... And my mum has had problems with iron levels all of her life so maybe I'm the same.

My little celebrity encounter

So work is the only place where I listen to the radio and hear new music... for a while now the station has been playing this song:
Yeah... I and then this happened:
He liked my comment and replied to it! Love this dude! :D My little celebrity encounter.