Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Right, haven´t been updating for a while.
Life has been boring.
Been stuck in the house and turned 24.
Did nothing on my birthday, maybe felt sick.
Got money from bf and father and socks from a friend.

Been out of money as usual.
Couldn´t afford to pay for the course.
Did go a few times, very...powerful experiences.

Have had reiki done on me. Also powerful.
Lovely Lady C is a very warm person and makes me feel nice, after the cramps in legs, waves all over the body, sharp pains in certain body parts, sicky feeling in stomach from all the energy, of course.

Been surviving on Ulcid tablets. Woo hoo!
Who doesn´t like taking pills every day?

Anyway, what got me writing today is the fact that I have gastroscopy tomorrow.
But will see.

And another thing, I´d like to dedicate a special thank you to Virgin Mary and Ixchel.
I´m so not a religious person, but wow! I can feel the loooove.
And my lovely crystals aswell. Everyone and everything that has been nice to me. :)
It came out naturally although I was kind of told to send out love and positive energy.
