Saturday, January 17, 2015

Pathetic liars or insane optimists

Well men are pathetic liars. Or insane optimists. Like on this dating website. There's a guy who I've done the deed with and he says on his profile that he is fit and good at fucking. I can't confirm either.
And other men too say they're fit and muscular or whatever of the sort but when you look at pics it's clear they're more on the heavy/fat side. Fat is not fit or muscular. I don't know who they're lying to, probably to themselves the most.
Yeah and just because you like to fuck doesn't mean you're good at it.

this stupid season

So Eat Pray Love is on tomorrow night. I'd love to watch it cause of Franco but Ryan Murphy is the director. I bet he made all the characters gay.

Ugh, came to mum's place. Gahhh, I just hate winter!! The ice is absolutely mind numbingly disgusting! It's so so so slippery out. Thank god there's only a month and half left of this stupid season.