Thursday, April 21, 2011

Card Of The Day - Sarasvati & White Tara

Okay, I have no idea what it's supposed to mean.
I did get my new medicine which hopefully will make me feel better and I can eat again.
It is unbelievably hot out today (for spring) so I'll be going to the garden. I downloaded the film/animation Up last night and have to write Estonian subtitles to it so I can watch it with the family. Yeah, will be doing it in the garden. I guess you can put it under The Arts. It's sort of like writing.
And the sensitivity card obviously is worrying since I'm super sensitive as it is.
Oh and I talked to my mother las night and she suggested starting moving towards Tartu in the middle of the night. She suggested 4 o'clock. Cause that's when there's less traffic on the highway. Um, yeah I dunno about that.
Oh and I just remembered I got Abundantia the other day and Bast I think and something else aswell.