Friday, January 01, 2016

December 31st

Shit. December 31st was the best day! First, I went to the shop at my mother's place. All by myself. Well, I took our dog Nupi with me and she helped me so much. I couldn't have done it without her cause my attention was focused on her wellbeing what with walking along the motorway and calming her and leaving her outside the shop and worrying how she would react. When I got out of the shop she sat so cutely there, waiting. Super!
Then we had a lovely celebratory dinner with the fam, even my brother made an appearance (cause the mother told him to, but still). Yeah and then Lembit's friend came over and we had his and Lembit's fireworks and everything. Was nice. I'm entirely happy with the day.

I hope 2016 continues with my improving health.