Thursday, May 13, 2010

Yikes, I have no clue what to call this post, thoughts are all over the place

Yeah I find it very disturbing when people post stuff every five minutes on Twitter.
Yeah, I'm on Twitter - just as a follower, I don't post anything there myself.
And this bastard kept posting so much I missed all of the acting agency posts.

I had been waiting for about a fortnight to hear from them and I missed it all cause someone felt it was necessary to post so much that all the other peoples' posts disappear from my page.

Anyway, I unfollowed the mad poster.
I don't care you're famous, you're annoyingly computer addicted.

Yeah, so as far as I understand I didn't get anything I applied for.
I'm not disappointed cause well...I have no experience and I'm a foreigner in Ireland's okay.
That doesn't mean I never want to get a part, even an extra part one day.

There's a casting session for extras this Friday - tomorrow - but it's down the other side of the country.
It's for some new crime series or something.
One of my housemates' parents live near the place.
If I get to know how to get there I might go down.
It's about 2 hours of travelling by train.

Mmh, I just want something for the experience.

Oh that reminds me, I had a weird session with my psychologist the other day.
I had to act there.
Well, I couldn't cause it was weirdly personal and...just weird.
I have to draw a picture of the situation as well.
Once I have it done I might post on here as well.

Yeah... Oh apparently there's going to be a big week for extras soon.
It's for a soap.
I wouldn't mind doing that at all.
There was like a to do list for it and it made me a bit nervous but I think I can handle it.

Friday is the new Glee day

Oh dear, TV3 is officially one of the worst channels ever.
First there's  some pointless football gibberish.
Then some crappy news.
Then some old people's show about society or something.
I cannot believe I had to see that shit with my very own eyes and waste my very own time on doing something as mindless as watching rubbish on TV.
Well, I won't be watching that channel anymore.
I hope your ratings drop, TV3!

Friday is the new Glee day from now on. :)

Bring on Glee!!!

Argh! Who's gives a rat's arse about football?!
Bring on Glee!!!
I hope they won't be showing the news once this football rubbish is finished.
Some Euro Cup-Premier League my ass.
I don't care. Not a bit.