Wednesday, November 30, 2011

job interview tomorrow

Squee! I have  a job interview tomorrow!


Glee I Kissed A Girl review

Oh woah woah waah, why does Finn have to be so cheesy!?

Perfect - Darren Criss continues to be good though.

Lol at Vladimir Putin in Sue's Booty Call book.

Oh fuck!!! This is the gay suicide episode?! Finn is made out to be a real douchebag character, I cannot get over it. It's not his fucking place to push the thing. Santana never pushed him when he thought he was the father of Quinn's baby or when he was between Quinn and Rachel. This "caring" character he's made out to be is actually... well a douchebag.
Oh man, when he said "Love you, Santana" I burst out laughing. What an eejit!

Jolene - didn't they say the characters don't randomly go into a song on the show?! That it's always performed?!

I Kissed A Girl - That Sugar girl looks nice. How unfortunate for to have had to hold onto the Sasquatch and for Naya to have the Sasquatch's fat hands on her hips!?

Hahaha, how ridiculous was Santana's mum's reaction!? Even my mother who hates everybody doesn't take me seriously when I tell her my next lover is going to be a woman. She just says "don't be stupid". I really think she doesn't believe me and she wouldn't do so even if I was with a woman. Rather this than kick me out without reasoning.

And what the fuck is Quinn talking about!? She is still in high school and has nothing. Why have another baby!?