Monday, January 24, 2011

Man shoulders

Well, I'm still fat as ever but the upside is that my boobs have gone bigger aswell.
But my belly is so ugly it's gross.
And so is my ass.
And last night I felt so guilty about eating. Not because I might put on weight but because I always eat up everything and I feel like I don't leave anything for the rest of the family.
Oh and if there is one thing I don't like about my body, like...really then it's the shoulders.
Everything else I can work on but my shoulders look like man shoulders.
And my collar bones are kind of manly aswell.

And happy 24th (?) birthday to Naya Rivera

Okay, where has the logic gone?
Why so serious when you finally have a woman by your side? And while frolicking with the dolphin, panda or Sasquatch...or whatever the fuck sher is calling herself these days in the sea you look like you're having the time of your life?! Like, what!?
The only logical reason to this serious impression is the fact that Kevin's thinking of the naked Sasquatch to prevent him from getting a boner from Naya's hotness.
Naya Rivera is the woman!
And happy 24th (?) birthday to Naya.