Saturday, May 01, 2010

It just naturally wasn't that emotional, was just very...itself.

So, once again America has made an eejit of itself.
Watched 2012 yesterday.
I thought it would be better.
There was too much disaster, the special effects were too over the top.
And obviously the story line sucked, but that's normal.
Other things that annoyed me were ... how come the hotshots never discover that the Earth is coming to an end or is in big danger and why don't the hotshots ever believe when some randomer tells them something about it.
Also the relationship between the "scientist" and the president's daughter... well, that was a big yawn, so predictable.
And how the main group of people got away from everything just at the last second. They were like a like a cheesy bunch of Steven Segals.
And I don't know what is going on in America or the film people of America, but their heart-felt, sincere and beautiful is cheesy, over the top and cringy.
I understand that they wanted their president to be like this crazy ass noble man in the film and the damn family to be like the bestest and the most rolemodelest family in the history, but it's just disgusting!
How cheesy can one get? Well, okay I'll give 2012 a lil' break, cause Glee is cheesier, but while the family was having big American cheesy family moments, the others (who  were supposed to be cold and stupid in the film) were rational and knew what needs to be done and did it.
Like what kind of a normal human being lets their child help them out with a jammed massive gate underwater? An American does.
Anyway, the film was very very cheesy and ridiculous.
Me and K were betting that the damn president would still be alive when the boat thingy let the people out.
We thought he'd be standing there and go, "Hahaa, April fool!".
Or more realistically we thought Ashton Kutcher will jump out with cameramen and go, "You just got punk'd!" to the people.

I mean, it would have been proper American then.
Yeah, I cannot stand these terrible overly American films.
If you want to praise your nation, keep the film in your damn precious nation. No need to make the others look stupid, no need to prove something's positive worth by revealing something else's flaws.
Anyway, I'm not anti-American, just against these stupid films.

We also watched The Soloist (which I believe is also an American film, but) - was very good.
I thought I'd like the music in the film, but the story was actually really good.
Kind of scary.

Mental illnesses are very scary.
Well, one of the lead characters suffers from schizophrenia.
The illness attack scenes were a bit disturbing to me.
Anyway, brilliant film, I'll give it a 4 out of 5.
It wasn't as emotional as I would have liked, but I guess it just naturally wasn't that emotional, was just very...itself.

Yeah, me and K had a little chat after the film.
Talked about the weirdos we know.

Yeah, that's about it.
The weather has been weird lately.
I think I could actually hear thunder yesterday, which is very rare in Ireland.
Most of the times it just rains wihtout any warning.
Well, it just rains too often to give a warning, you can predict it yourself.

Oh and I think my computer's a bit fucked up, it just switches itself off.
Hope it doesn't happen when I'm palying the Sims.
Oh, I thought of actually writing a story using Sims, but...nah.
I still haven't finished this one peom that should have been finished looong time ago.