Tuesday, March 11, 2014

a GREAT day

Ouch. I've been gritting teeth all day. They're so sore now. All in all, 11th of March 2014 has been a GREAT day.

I love it when I don't have anxiety

Just got back from down town. Ahhhh, was so nice. I love it when I don't have anxiety.
I got a book from the uni's library about two years ago, took it back today. Better late than never.
I love buskers and other street artists!
When I went to the mother's place on friday I forgot to bring my pills with me. I went to the pharmacy in Melliste to buy new pills. I got Escitalopram and Mirtazapin but they didn't have Olansapiin so I haven't taken that since friday. I don't have my crazy on just yet so I won't take it again until I cannot eat.
Yeah and for breakfast today I had coffee and crisps. I'm badass like that.
I dunno what the day will turn out like but for now I feel great. Too bad they promise snow for the weekend. *sad face*