Thursday, May 20, 2010

Getting all jiggly

Unfortunately the ugly racism bug in me got set off today.
I went to Lidl.
The cashier was Polish.
And there was a couple in front of me. They were Polish.
So the cunts kept talking some bullshit in their stupid language while the queue was building up.
And instead of stopping talking in her shitty language and serving all the customers, she pressed the little buzzer so that the other cashier knew to go work at another till.
The bitch could have taken all the customers herself, really.
But she's lazy, stupid and Polish.

Anyway, when I got out I was ranting to Colette about it.
She knows it all too well.
Next time something like that happens I'll talk to the manager.
I saw one manager there, she was Polish aswell.
Well, no wonder noone's working then.
I swear I'll be chewing the heads off some Polish idiots next time.
It's impossible to like Polish people, it's like they have all the negative personality traits there are in them.
You hate them with pleasure.

Anyway, I also went to Penny's.
Got some summer clothes.
Three tops, a pair of leggings and seven pairs of socks.
Liking the tops.
I went to try them all on.
God, my arse is so big it's unreal!
And my belly's getting all jiggly and terrible.
I've never had to worry about the shape of my body cause I'm fairly skinny.
I've always been really unfit though.
And now it's starting to show.

Yeah, hopefully when K gets home we'll go for a walk.
It's super warm today.
Was absolutely roasting before.

Yeah, I'm off to the pharmacy now to get my antidepressants.