Thursday, January 20, 2011

And I continue to loathe IE. FOREVER AND EVER!

And I continue to loathe IE. FOREVER AND EVER!
Thanks to that dipshit I couldn't register for my exams.
Plus it was literally popping up windows every 2 seconds.
I mean literally ever two seconds.
And what kind of an idiot makes the registering for exams possible only on IE?!
What retards!

Anyway, this lovely man helped me out and did the whole thing on his own computer. I had to go over to his place. And to my surprise I think he was the father of this dude that had caught my eye at school. He kinda looks good and is kinda clever but he's a bit too young for me... I mean he is in the..either final or the second to final year in school. Plus I don't think he's interested in me anyway. Oh and he's got a super lovely last name - it's favourite colour and a tree. Just sayin' like...

I'm Barack Obama's friend. Apparently.

Woah, I gotta write some more.
So a while back I made an entry about writing a letter to the White House. click
And apparently, Barack Obama wrote a letter back. :D
Maybe it's just a strategy to make it look a bit more believable but the automatic messages sure are slow in the White House.
Anyway, here's what I got...from Obama....apparently:

January 19, 2011

Dear Friend:

Thank you for writing.  I have heard from many Americans concerned about environmental issues, from recycling and pollution control to the well-being of our national parks and wildlife.  I appreciate your perspective.

America's natural resources and landscapes are among our Nation's most precious treasures.  We have an obligation to be responsible stewards of our environment and to protect these resources for future generations.

My Administration is taking action to protect and restore our land, water, and air.  The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which I signed in 2009, provides funding for hazardous waste cleanup, wastewater infrastructure construction, and projects that improve our Nation's parks and wildlife refuges.  In March 2009, I also signed the Omnibus Public Land Management Act, the most extensive expansion of land and water conservation in more than a generation.  It designates thousands of miles of trails under the National Trails System, protects more than 1,000 miles of rivers, and secures millions of acres of wilderness.

As individuals, we can all take steps to reduce our impact on our environment.  Americans can walk, bike, and use public transportation; buy products with less packaging; recycle and reuse paper, plastic, glass, and aluminum; and teach young people about environmental preservation.  Families can save money by purchasing energy-efficient products, turning off lights, and unplugging appliances.  These small changes in our daily lives help build a cleaner, safer planet.  To learn more about our environment and how you can make a difference, I encourage you to visit or  For more information on ground water and drinking water, please visit:

Thank you, again, for writing.


Barack Obama letter was more about what damaging effects America has on the rest of the world and this letter pretty much sums up my point - America only thinks of itself. And where is the explanation to all the animal mass deaths? Everybody knows about the recycling, saving energy gobbeldy-gok but it doesn't really help when all these electromagnetic waves that governments allow to be produced are sickening, killing people and animals.

Plus, think it was in May last year that I signed up for this acting thing. Well...if I still lived in Ireland maybe I would've done an extra part in some project but since I don't live there for about six months now then I haven't done anything. Anyway, I got an availability check for this thing:
Ehh... totally for me, right? I am unfit like. :D

My father's an a$$. Part.... billion

So he has found a new thing to go mad about - my hair.
There was one loose hair in the bathroom sink and he went off about how my hair is everywhere.
Oh my god, seriously, I'll get in touch with Mr. Nature and then get back to you.
Like, wtf!?
He's always going on about the damn hair now.
Plus it's also a problem that I don't go to sleep when he does.
For the hundredth time - the world does NOT revolve around you and it NEVER will.
Like, I saw this quote thingy on FB and it said that an egoist is not a person who strictly believes in their own way and themselves strictly living by the beliefs despite all the other beliefs, it's when a person expects everyone else aswell to live by their rules and do whatever they believe is right, that's when the person is an egoist.
And my father so perfectly fits that criteria.
He forever came into my room to close the window cause he thought it would be cold to be in a room with the window open. Yeah, he was not in the room when I fucking opened the window and I was NOT cold. I didn't go to his room to open the window cause I was hot and thought everyone else might be aswell. I don't give a serious flying fuck about how people like their windows - open, closed, ajar, broken, whatever.
And yes I like to stay up til 4 in the morning but I don't go to other people's rooms in the middle of the night and ask them why they're sleeping, why can't they be up like me, like normal people. And there goes my father - comes into my room again to complain that I'm still awake and says it in a really disapproving tone.
Ughhhhhh, I cannot wait til I have my own place.

Anyway, just got back from school.
Yeah....I have no idea what's gonna happen with the exams and all cause I didn't get to register for them at the right time. I'll go down to the post office tomorrow and demand that they send me application form with today's date on it. Um... I'll try to get the internet application thing working but...don't think I'll succeed.
Oh well.
And..yeah I want to take my exams in Tartu so I'm gonna move there for at least a little while. We'll see.