Thursday, January 20, 2011

My father's an a$$. Part.... billion

So he has found a new thing to go mad about - my hair.
There was one loose hair in the bathroom sink and he went off about how my hair is everywhere.
Oh my god, seriously, I'll get in touch with Mr. Nature and then get back to you.
Like, wtf!?
He's always going on about the damn hair now.
Plus it's also a problem that I don't go to sleep when he does.
For the hundredth time - the world does NOT revolve around you and it NEVER will.
Like, I saw this quote thingy on FB and it said that an egoist is not a person who strictly believes in their own way and themselves strictly living by the beliefs despite all the other beliefs, it's when a person expects everyone else aswell to live by their rules and do whatever they believe is right, that's when the person is an egoist.
And my father so perfectly fits that criteria.
He forever came into my room to close the window cause he thought it would be cold to be in a room with the window open. Yeah, he was not in the room when I fucking opened the window and I was NOT cold. I didn't go to his room to open the window cause I was hot and thought everyone else might be aswell. I don't give a serious flying fuck about how people like their windows - open, closed, ajar, broken, whatever.
And yes I like to stay up til 4 in the morning but I don't go to other people's rooms in the middle of the night and ask them why they're sleeping, why can't they be up like me, like normal people. And there goes my father - comes into my room again to complain that I'm still awake and says it in a really disapproving tone.
Ughhhhhh, I cannot wait til I have my own place.

Anyway, just got back from school.
Yeah....I have no idea what's gonna happen with the exams and all cause I didn't get to register for them at the right time. I'll go down to the post office tomorrow and demand that they send me application form with today's date on it. Um... I'll try to get the internet application thing working but...don't think I'll succeed.
Oh well.
And..yeah I want to take my exams in Tartu so I'm gonna move there for at least a little while. We'll see.

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