Friday, May 24, 2013

my slap kills you

Also, today I'd like to apologize to all the gnats I've killed. I'm sorry bitches but if yous come and buzz in my face and bite me then I'm gonna slap you in the face. It's not my fault your face is so small my slap kills you.

This cutie

This cutie... a girl I work with was rearranging flower pots when she found a bird nest on a table. When she found it there was only one egg in it. The next day there was another one. On the third day, a third one appeared. So did the forth and the fifth egg. Now it's the weekend so I cannot wait til Monday to see if there are anymore eggs. Doubt there will be. And I'd love to see the little birdies hatch. Trouble is I might have only one week left at the place. Oh well. Will start looking for another job then.

And I started to talk to Colette again. The woman I used to live with when I live3d in Ireland. We have so much catching up to do.