Thursday, October 13, 2016

Fuck yes! Hell yes!

Omg I just found out Spencer Reid's mother is called Diana!!! Best thing ever. It's a sign! I'm destined to crush on Matthew. :D

How I found him? Well... not gonna lie, for a few days there I didn't even remember cause I was just absolutely crazy about him.
Anyway, a couple years back or so I saw him on Celebrity Ghost Stories. Didn't think too much of him. Then saw the epsiode again some time afterwards. Liked his story and the way he told it. I looked him up on the net a little. But that was it. I just knew him as the dude off CGS.
Then I watched Band Of Robbers in May this year. I knew he was in it but didn't think anything about him again cause I was lusting after Gallner.
And then last wednesday, 5th of October 2016, I happened to randomly see a video of him on youtube and I fell so hard! Dunno what made me like him. Anyway, all I knew about him was the fact that he was on CGS. Yeah and now I'm watching Criminal Minds just to see him. I wanna be really quick with it so I can catch up to season 12 lol. Gonna take a while.
Yeah and on tuesday I went to see my therapist and she said I seemed really upbeat and chirpy. Fuck yes! Hell yes! Everybody needs a little bit of Matthew Gray Gubler in their life!