Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kick the Glee members' butts.

Just finished watching Glee.
Yes, on the stupid channel.
So this episode was about GaGa outfits and as always cheesiness.

Ohhhhh, I just don't know where to start.
Like, what the hell is going on with Finn and Kurt?
And the dad?
So the scenario was that Finn was being an ass cause he can't accept that Kurt is Gay.
And then comes the old fashioned dad to set the record straight.
And then, to keep reigning the Cheese Kingdom, comes Finn dressed all "faggy" and protects Kurt.

First of all, it is perfectly normal for a straight person to be pissed off and uncomfortable living in the same room with a (gay) person who has a crush on them when they don't like the person back.
Why is there so much emphasis on being gay?
How come a straight person has to accept that the other person is gay but the gay person doesn't have to accept that the other isn't?
That is complete and utter bollocks!
Finn should have called everything in the room faggy and kick Kurt's butt.
Then he should have got together with those dudes wearing those red jackets and kicked the Glee members' butts.
It is totally natural being gay, there's no need for special treatment.
If the damn father can give out to Finn (a mature person would have talked to Finn's mum) then Finn can give out to Kurt.
Well, when Finn was going on about things being faggy I already started to spawn some hope for him, but then he turned up wearing that stupid red dress and poured some extra cheesy cheesy sauce on extra cheesy cheesecake.
Finn is just a horribly cheesy character.
If I were the actor I would quit in a split second.

And then whatever is going on with Rachel and the mother.
Not heartfelt or beautiful or whatever it's supposed to be... at all.
Just blah. Mother today, gone tomorrow. "Let's sing a happy song!" the day after tomorrow.

And whatever happened to the Jesse guy.
And Puck singing that boring song to the pregnant girl who was all like... cheesy crying.
Since when did they get so close again.

The writers are just so bad, it's unreal.
It's like they're serving mashed potatoes in form of cheesed over potatoes that are in perfect potato shape and not mashed at all.

Ugh, it's just bearly bearable.
Anyway, besides all that shit I like Kurt and Kevin's hot.
And I do hope that those other guys will get their friends and kick the Glee members' butts.

King and Knights

Yeah, I wasn't really liking the old look so I changed it.
I know it looks pretty depressing and pale, but I didn't like the weird butterfly-flower-wishy washy colours combo.
I like it plain for a while.
Anyway, just in case someone starts ranting about copyrights - the layout is from, the music is from Google (yeah I uploaded them to another server, but I'm not sharing them downloadably and if sharing them even for listeningly is not allowed then please start off with Youtube by taking down those songs).
Anyway... Team Kevin! *Shakes fist in air* Woohoo!

Yeah and my elbows going crazy again.
It's so sore.
Talked to C.
She said when she had some fluid in her knee the doctor told her to take antibiotics and steroids.
I was hoping for some cream.
I don't want anymore pills.
C gave me Wild Tiger Palm.
Apparently they put real tigers' "pieces" in it or something.
How crazy!
Well, this one she gave me is all herbal.

Last night I was craving for crisps like mad.
I absolutely love King's cheese and onion crisps.
And Knights' Cheese & Chive flavour potato snacks.

Yeah... I'm off to eat my lovely omelette and watch this funny play some awesome person uploaded on internet.
And then eat my lovely vanilla icecream and go to sleep. :)