Wednesday, May 26, 2010

King and Knights

Yeah, I wasn't really liking the old look so I changed it.
I know it looks pretty depressing and pale, but I didn't like the weird butterfly-flower-wishy washy colours combo.
I like it plain for a while.
Anyway, just in case someone starts ranting about copyrights - the layout is from, the music is from Google (yeah I uploaded them to another server, but I'm not sharing them downloadably and if sharing them even for listeningly is not allowed then please start off with Youtube by taking down those songs).
Anyway... Team Kevin! *Shakes fist in air* Woohoo!

Yeah and my elbows going crazy again.
It's so sore.
Talked to C.
She said when she had some fluid in her knee the doctor told her to take antibiotics and steroids.
I was hoping for some cream.
I don't want anymore pills.
C gave me Wild Tiger Palm.
Apparently they put real tigers' "pieces" in it or something.
How crazy!
Well, this one she gave me is all herbal.

Last night I was craving for crisps like mad.
I absolutely love King's cheese and onion crisps.
And Knights' Cheese & Chive flavour potato snacks.

Yeah... I'm off to eat my lovely omelette and watch this funny play some awesome person uploaded on internet.
And then eat my lovely vanilla icecream and go to sleep. :)


llasunshine said...

Hei :)
Pyzam´i omadel on ju see oranž triip üleval ... kuidas sa sellest lahti said?

Sweet Kroshka said...

Oi, mul oli väga palu jändamist selle html koodiga.

Sa pead lihtsalt selle koha koodis üles leidma ja ära kustutama.
Kui sa sinna html koodi juurde lähed, siis vajuta F3 ja pane sinna otsingu lahtrisse see tekst, mida sa üles leida tahad. Siis kustuta see koodist ära.

llasunshine said...

Seda ma tean, aga mis sõna ma peaksin otsima kui ma seda oranži tahaks ära saada? Mille sa kustutasid?

Sweet Kroshka said...

Ehh, misiganes seal üleval on. Mingi twitter backgrounds vms ja pyzam ja midagi sellist. Kustuta lingid ära ja tekst ka. Kui sa hakkama ei saa, siis ma võin sul ise ära kustutada. Noh... sa võid hiljem parooli ära muuta, kui sa ei usalda mind. :)