Sunday, April 11, 2010

This just in: a tan

Gah, me and Anette planned to sunbathe in the back garden but went for a walk instead.
Anyway, I only noticed now that my shoulders are red.
If the weather is the same tomorrow, I'm outside in my bikini all day.

Wow, I was not expecting that to happen now. :)

Do not and never

Wow, so about 2 weeks ago it was snowing and I was absolutely freezing when outside.
Today, on the other hand, I was roasting.
And I was only wearing "this certain cut" jeans and a tank top.
Went for a walk with Anette for a change.
Went all the way up to Curragh. Yes, where the sheep poo lays all over the ground.
Got bad blisters on my feet, Anette gave me  three plasters.
One with some Disney princesses and others were blue with yellow fish on them.
Yeah, had about 5 or 6 cars honking at us.
Got a text from landlord. He wants rent. Ugh.
I so hope the course isn't on next week, I have no money and I want to do the course so bad.

Um, oh I think I've gained weight.
I weighed myself a few weeks back and I was the same as usually, but I feel fatter.
And when Katriona took pics of me I looked meatier than normal in them.
And I had difficulties getting my jeans on today.

Had chicken stir fry with rice.
Stuffed and sleepy now.
Still nice and sunny out, maybe will go somewhere again.
Bare foot though, my feet are too sore for shoes.

Oh and the other day when I was in Dublin, there were people gathering signatures for some racism business.
It was to do with black people and racism.
I took a leaflet, but didn't sign anything.
I guess I am quite racist towards polish people, eventhough it's their own fault.
They're the ones acting like their better than everyone else and like they own the world.

And there was a person giving out leaflets about abortion.
If I could have signed something against that I would have.
Like the leaflet says, "Abortion never saves a woman's just kills a baby".
And, "Abortion is the intentional killing of an innocent unborn child" and, "There are absolutely no medical conditions which require an abortion to save the life of the mother" and my own quote: the excuses for abortion - "having a child at a young age or when you're not financially or maritally stable" are just bollocks. Gibberish.
I do not supprt abortion and I never will.