Saturday, August 04, 2018

This is the first day in forever

My my. Long time no talking, posting. I guess life has been good. I mean I started this blog when my shit started to go south and now I'm posting less so...
Anyway, in July I stared my new job. Still janitoring but at a new place. I just like my job. I hope I will continue liking it.
The view from the window. The glass was mirroring so never mind that. Also the colours aren't the best in this pic but whatever. It's actually really pretty.

Also I had my first root canal done in july. Was alright. No pain during. Not much anxiety either. I actually started to fall asleep eventually. The only painful thing was to keep my mouth open for so long. My was hurting but the tooth... didn't even feel it. Ached for a few days afterwards a little. Nothing significant. An extraction hurts more and that doesn't even hurt lol.
Have my follow up next week. I think they'll be trying to kill my tooth one more time before wrapping it up.

Also mum is fine, talking about health. She had her gallbladder removed. Was apparently more serious than your regular gallbladder stone issues. She's already working and all.

And continuing with health talk, I went back on mirtazapine. Probably for no reason. A week before my mum went to hospital I started having headaches. And I never get them. I've literally had 2 headaches in my life, one period from iron pills and the other when I had the trigeminal nerve issue.
I had no explanation to the pains. Also had insomnia. I was thinking maybe the change of job gave me anxiety/stress and then the mum business happened. Didn't make sense though.
My blood tests came out fine as per usual.
So I started taking mirtazapine to be able to sleep and if it was a stress issue then it would have helped too. I dunno to this day what it was. Lasted about three weeks. I'm thinking it was some sort a virus cause I went to my therapist straight away too. I actually talked to my old psychologist, not the psychiatric nurse. And she kinda thought too it might have been some virus cause I had sore or dry, tired eyes too and anxiety doesn't really do that. My GP thought it's either stress or from having wet hair in the wind. Nowadays people swim and are out naked and wet. I didn't do it but I always had a shower before work and would ride my bike to work with wet hair so... that could have been it. It got bad again one day after getting better but it's been fine now. I dunno wether to go off mirtazapine or not. I'll see my psychiatrist this month too so I'll take it till I see her and tell her about it too. I know I self medicated but it's a tried and tested drug. I don't think my doc would have said no either. I got the prescription from my GP cause the shrink was on holiday.

Um had a fun day on wednesday this week. Dad's fam came over and we went swimming. My first time this year although it's been unbearably hot for over a month now I think. It's the summer of heatwave. Waiting for pics from dad.

No man still. Just talking to a guy on FB. He has depression and anxiety. I've always said I'd never date anyone with those but we'll see...

This is the first day in forever, like a month, when the heat isn't over 30 degrees I think. At least there was less direct sunlight but it was still hot.